I started shooting weddings while in college, it led me to create my first sole proprietorship company in 2012. I continued to shoot weddings part time while I worked my full-time job.
I really do enjoy shooting weddings and couples, Its makes me happy to capture people in one of their happiest moments of their lives. being a wedding photography all these years has brought me close to all my clients. After weddings I become their family photographer. Its such a blessing to photograph a couple, and then a couple years later I'm photographing everything from their baby shower to their child's first birthday.
My style of wedding photography can be described as creative story telling. since I'm also a videographer, I capture images with a story board approach, I'm thinking of how the images I capture would tell a love story when the couple gets their custom wedding album.
on of my early introductions to photography was actually modeling for a fashion photography in early 2010. I soon discovered I preferred to be behind the camera (I still model however). So I learnt the basics of photography from him and he was my mentor early on in career.
I left the fashion photography scene for a few years while i explored other forms of photography. In 2019, I got an invite to a fashion shoot hosted by one of my photography friends. This shoot re-sparked my love for fashion and beauty photography. I started shooting more fashion work since then I've it has become one of my favorite type of photography because of the limitless creativity one can put into a fashion shoot. With weddings, you have to get that shot while the action is happening. However when shooting fashion, I'm in full control of the location, lighting and directing the models to bring my vision to life.
Portrait photography covers a wide range of photography and might be the most common form of photography. while in college, at Towson University, I minored in photography and had the pleasure of learning from an award winning photographer who taught me a lot of the things I do today with my portrait work.
Pricing and packages for my portraits can be found below.